Cookbooks and Pocket Books
Books I've read about Life Experiences, Food, and Travel

Eat Pray Love
A divorce woman (author herself) Liz, who went to Italy to enjoy food, went to India to seek for her devotion, and went to Bali (Indonesia) to find love of her life. A very interesting book specially if you guys love to travel. I enjoyed the part when she was in Italy (why, because of food!) :)
I watched the film, I really love the way Julia Robert's appreciate the food in Italy.
Under the Tuscan Sun
Finally I've finished reading this book "Under the Tuscan Sun (At Home in Italy)", I'm only reading it when I'm taking train (about 20 minutes from my place to Taipei). The story is about the author herself bought an old villa in Tuscany and renovated it in time. She mentioned all her experiences, both happiness and hardship. She also included some recipes, things she bought,places she had been , people she met ... some Italian words... I heard also there's a movie about this, but the story is different from the book! If you love county place, this book is a must to read!
Comfort Food
I bought this book in Amsterdam Airport while waiting for the connecting flight to Budapest. Although it's fiction, I find it interesting since it's also about food - a celebrity chef helping others and her friends sorting out their problems, Gus (herself) can't even find time organize her own birthday party...
I've read this 2 years ago, I forgot all about it - I'll find time to read it again soon!
The life of Julia Child and her husband living in France, how she started cooking, teaching, and writing cookbook - Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
Although the book is full of French words - mostly, I need translator to understand, yet I like it very much. Actually, I watched the movie "Julie and Julia" several times.
Julie an Julia
As I've mentioned, I watched the film several times - it's two different stories in a film, Julia Child (author of Mastering Arts of French Cooking) and Julie Powell (blogging the book of Julia Child). Yes, the movie is full of eating that made me hungry after watching it!
The book is quiet different from the film, written by Julie Powell...
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